Moyinoluwa Adenuga

Hi 👋,

I am Moyinoluwa.

Software Developer

Welcome! My name is Moyinoluwa Adenuga and I am glad you are here. I am a software developer with about 3 years of professional experience majorly on the frontend side of applications. Some of the technologies I use daily include Javascript, Jquery, ReactJs, Typescript, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, and Salesforce B2C Commerce. I do some backend work as well from time to time using NodeJS and have experience with relational and non-relational databases. I have Cloud and DevOps experience with CI/CD tools and using third party cloud providers such as AWS and Azure. I also have interest in Artificial Intelligence.

I started my coding journey in 2020 and it has been an exciting one for me and learning new things keeps it fun. The curiousity to find out how web and mobile applications were being created spurred my journey into the tech space. I plan to document more of my learnings and experience in my blog so please follow mehere so you can get updated on my new blog posts.

I also spend some spare time outside work solving problems on leetcode, hackerrank or codesignal, or just listening to youtube videos on new topics I am interested in. Outside tech, I love hanging out with my friends, chatting or having calls with loved ones, reading, listening to music/podcast, watching Christian films and bible studies.

In the future, I hope to give tech talks to share my knowledge and also encourage others that there is a space for them in the industry. I also look forward to be able to empower people to enable them succeed in this career.

Now, you know me. Do you have an idea and would like to work together with me? Please visit the contact section and reach out to me or contact me via my social links. I’ll be expecting you.

Meanwhile, you can check out some of the personal work i have done in the projects section.